Highly Cited Articles

Blockchain envisioned UAV networks: Challenges, solutions, and comparisons
Parimal Mehta, Rajesh Gupta, Sudeep Tanwar
Computer Communications, Elsevier

Year: 2019-2020, 2020-2021

Machine Learning Models for Secure Data Analytics: A taxonomy and threat model
Rajesh Gupta, Sudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar
Computer Communications, Elsevier

Year: 2019-2020, 2020-2021

SDN-based real-time urban traffic analysis in VANET environment
Jitendra Bhatia, Ridham Dave, Heta Bhayani, Sudeep Tanwar, Anand Nayyar
Computer Communications, Elsevier

Year: 2019-2020, 2020-2021

An exhaustive survey on security and privacy issues in Healthcare 4.0
Jigna J. Hathaliya, SudeepTanwar
Computer Communications, Elsevier

Year: 2019-2020, 2020-2021

Fog computing for Healthcare 4.0 environment: Opportunities and challenges
Aparna Kumari, Sudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar
Computer and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier

Year: 2018-19, 2019-2020, 2020-2021

Securing electronics healthcare records in Healthcare 4.0: A biometric-based approach
Jigna J Hathaliya, Sudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar
Computer and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier

Year: 2019-2020, 2020-2021

Blockchain-based electronic healthcare record system for healthcare 4.0 applications
Sudeep Tanwar, Karan Parekh, Richard Evans
Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier

Year: 2019-2020, 2020-2021

Multimedia big data computing and Internet of Things applications: A taxonomy and process model
Aparna Kumari, Sudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar, Michele Maasberg, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier

Year: 2018-19, 2019-2020, 2020-2021

Tactile internet and its applications in 5G era: A comprehensive review
Rajesh Gupta, Sudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar
International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley

Year: 2019-2020

Blockchain for 5G-enabled IoT for industrial automation: A systematic review, solutions, and challenges
Ishan Mistry, Sudeep Tanwar, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

Year: 2019-20, 2020-21

A systematic review on security issues in vehicular ad hoc network
Sudeep Tanwar, Jayneel Vora, Sudhanshu Tyagi, Neeraj Kumar, Mohammad S. Obaidat
Security and Privacy, Wiley

Year: 2021

Adoption of blockchain technology in various realms: Opportunities and challenges
Shaik V. Akram, Praveen K. Malik, Rajesh Singh, Gehlot Anita, Sudeep Tanwar
Security and Privacy, Wiley

Year: 2021